30% auf alle Tierprodukte & mehr!
30% auf alle Tierprodukte & mehr!
Wir sind gut aus Wacken zurück in Dortmund angekommen und konnten und mittlerweile akklimatisieren. Jetzt ist mal wieder Zeit für neue Aktionen.
Von Montag bis...
CBD Vital für Hunde und Katzen
CBD Vital für Hunde und Katzen: Natürliche Unterstützung für das Wohlbefinden Ihrer Haustiere
In der Welt der Tiergesundheit gewinnen natürliche und ganzheitliche Ansätze zunehmend an Bedeutung. CB...
FlowPow goes to Wacken
FlowPow goes to Wacken
We know how quickly you can click away a pop-up or miss the actual message behind it. That's why we've now written a blog post about it.
From July 27th, 2024 to August 4...
Neue Cannabinoide
Since all known psychoactive cannabinoids that have been on the market since the end of 2023 were banned in Germany at the end of June 2024, it hasn't taken long for new canna...
Neue Cannabinoide
10-OH-HHC: The new HHC?
10-OH-HHC: The new HHC?
The trade in HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) and many other cannabinoids was banned in Germany on June 26, 2024 as part of the 5th Ordinance of the NpSG. As a result, new canna...
Cannabinoid ban
Cannabinoid ban
As some of you have probably noticed, some items have disappeared from our shop. This is related to the fifth regulation amending the appendix to the New Psychoactive Substances ...
Neue Cannabinoide
What is HHCPO? Origin, effect and legal framework
What is HHCPO? Origin, effect and legal framework
It is obvious that the universe of neocannabinoids is constantly growing! In fact, synthetic cannabinoids are becoming more and more important.
Neue Cannabinoide
HHCP: Effects, side effects, risks and products
HHCP: Effects, side effects, risks and products
HHCP, also known as Hexahydrocannabiphorol, HHC-P or HHC P, is the latest product from many manufacturers in the HHC product space. Recently on th...
Neue Cannabinoide
What do we know about HHCO?
What do we know about HHCO?
What is HHC-O?
HHC-O is a recently discovered cannabinoid whose precursor is the well-known HHC (hexahydrocannabinol). It is created through a chemical reaction c...