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What is H4CBD? A Comprehensive Guide for H4CBD Beginners

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What is H4CBD? A Comprehensive Guide for H4CBD Beginners

You may have heard of H4CBD for the first time and are now wondering: What is H4CBD? This comprehensive guide and advice will answer the basic questions about the H4CBD cannabinoid.

First of all, H4CBD is relatively new and a lot of the information is based on personal experience. We cannot guarantee that the effects, side effects and dangers described here are complete and always correct. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible information so that you do not fall for misleading or false information. It is important to emphasize that H4CBD, for example, is NOT 100 times stronger than CBD, although the number 100 plays a role, as you will soon find out.

What is H4CBD?

H4CBD is a cannabinoid created by synthetically modifying the CBD molecule. This cannabinoid is a hexahydroderivative of CBD, which means that four hydrogen atoms have been added to the CBD molecule. How is H4CBD made? Simply put, the manufacturing process can be compared to making margarine from vegetable oil.

H4CBD or THD is a derivative of CBD that is produced in a laboratory or semi-synthetic manner. This cannabinoid, also known as hydrogenated CBD, was developed as an alternative form of conventional CBD. Scientists have been researching and developing semi-synthetic and synthetic cannabinoids since the mid-20th century.

How does H4CBD work?

H4CBD is still in its infancy, meaning it is a relatively unexplored cannabinoid, but the little information we have about it suggests that it has an affinity for CB1 neuroreceptors.

H4CBD is actually a modified version of CBD, but with the difference that it acts on the brain. The effects are similar to HHC, but H4CBD does not contain a double bond. H4CBD consists of two diastereomers, R and S, with the R diastereomer having a significantly stronger effect than the S diastereomer.

H4CBD users have described their experiences as comparable to the effects of CBD, but report that they also experienced psychoactive effects.

Is H4CBD the same as CBD?

The answer is no, it is not. Although the two cannabinoids share some properties, they are different molecules. For example, they have completely different effects and differ significantly in their chemical structure and manufacturing methods.

How do H4CBD and HHC compare?

H4CBD and HHC are different substances, although their origin is similar. HHC is a hydrogenated version of THC, while H4CBD is a hydrogenated version of CBD. Both are based on different basic molecules. This difference also leads to different effects on the body.

Big comparison: H4CBD vs. CBD

CBD and H4CBD have a lot in common, but they also differ in many ways. How do these two cannabinoids compare? Take a look at the categories below.

H4CBD Manufacturing

Both CBD and H4CBD are derived from hemp. CBD is a direct derivative of hemp, while H4CBD goes through a transformation process, including hydrogenation, to reach its final form.

For this reason, H4CBD is considered a semi-synthetic cannabinoid. Technically, it is also possible to synthesize CBD. However, there is no reason to do so, as this cannabinoid is abundant in cannabis.


H4CBD has been structurally modified to take a different form than CBD. This is a chemical process that involves inserting hydrogen atoms into the selected molecule. Four additional hydrogen atoms are added to the molecule, changing its natural properties.

Effects of H4CBD

A 2006 study found that hydrogenated forms of CBD have an extremely high affinity for the brain's CB1 neuroreceptors. This finding has fueled speculation that H4CBD may be up to 100 times more potent than CBD - at least in certain areas.

A 2017 research report supports this assumption, but no new studies have been conducted on the bioactive properties of H4CBD.


H4CBD could offer users about three times the potency of CBD. H4CBD is reported to offer 100 times the potency of regular CBD. However, we have already learned that even if this is the case, it only refers to the potency of CBD on CB1 receptors. And this potency was negligible with CBD to begin with.

The effect of H4CBD on the CB1 receptors needs to be further investigated in order to draw conclusions about a possible increased activity.

Therefore, the claim that H4CBD is "100 times more effective" than CBD in all areas is quite exaggerated.

Legality of H4CBD in Germany

According to our current knowledge, H4CBD initially appears to be legal, as it is neither mentioned in the Narcotics Act (BtMG) nor is it applicable to the Act on New Psychoactive Substances (NpSG), since natural CBD is used as the starting material.

What about the availability of H4CBD?

CBD is currently one of the most widely available cannabinoids. However, the demand for H4CBD is increasing rapidly, which will naturally lead to the development of a wider range of products. High-quality distillates, isolates and finished H4CBD products are slowly appearing on the internet, ushering in a new era of cannabis.

How to choose the best source of H4CBD?

H4CBD is on everyone's lips, so it is imperative that every user finds a source of the product that has been on the market for some time. The right H4CBD manufacturer will be very well established in the market and will have an excellent reputation and their own certification of their products.

Could H4CBD compete with CBD in the market?

H4CBD has been studied by scientists for many years, but it is only recently that this hydrogenated form of CBD has made a big splash, so it is likely that with it comes increasing demand for alternatives that could offer even better benefits.

However, it probably won't be enough to completely displace CBD from the market. CBD is very popular and widely used, so it will continue to dominate the market as one of the main options. However, if H4CBD does indeed come with specific advantages over CBD, it could make a name for itself in the market and find customers looking for the specific properties of H4CBD.

Ultimately, consumers will decide for themselves what choices they make and what products they offer.


H4CBD can be seen as a fine-tuned alternative with higher potency, while CBD offers a natural option with lower potency. As modern cannabinoid medicine continues to develop, both CBD and H4CBD will undoubtedly play a key role.

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